If you are a Surry Community College adult student interested in work-based learning, please contact Rachel Hiatt:
Pre-ApprenticeshipsThis opportunity is open to any junior, senior, and super senior high school students in Elkin City Schools, Mount Airy City Schools, Surry County Schools, Yadkin County Schools, and Homeschool (that live in Surry or Yadkin County). Applicants must have legal status to work in the United States and meet the program’s eligibility guidelines. If students do not have their own transportation, it can be provided.
If you’re considering a pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship, the application process is designed to give you more insight and help you decide if this is a good pathway for you. You’ll get a chance to tour companies and see actual job and career possibilities in action. The steps to becoming a pre-apprentice or an apprentice also ensures that this is a good match for both you, as a student, and the participating company. Whether a pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship is your number one goal, or you’re still exploring your options, start with the steps below to learn more and begin the application process. Step 1: ApplySpring 2025 applications are open now! Click HERE to apply
Step 2: Two Teachers and One Work/Community ReferenceStep 3: You Will Be Contacted About a SYW Interview
Step 4: If Selected You Will Have a Business Interview
Do you have questions about the application process? Contact a SYW team member today! |
FLEETSurry-Yadkin FLEET (Fostering Learning through Education, Employment, and Trades) is an alternative approach to graduating from high school that has a focus in manufacturing in partnership with Altec industries. Selected students will attend high school classes at Altec for half of the school day and will learn a trade through a paid pre-apprenticeship experience at the same company for the other half of the school day. Altec will pay the apprentices. In addition to standard high school courses, students will receive basic employability/soft skills training and wraparound support services.
Step 1: ApplySpring 2025 are open now! Contact Mrs. Parsons for application steps.
**Applications require an administrative reference Step 2: You Will Be ContactedAfter contacting Mrs. Parsons please wait for her response and follow her instructions |
HEALTHStudents interested in this opportunity must be enrolled in or have completed a CNA class. If you are planning on taking a CNA class in the future, please apply to our regular pre-apprenticeship program for now. We will work with you to place you in the HEALTH program once your class begins.
Students must have a CNA class visit before applying. Please contact Whitney Collins or Iva Gray. Step 1: ApplySpring 2025 applications are open now! Click HERE to apply
Step 2: CNA Teacher and Two Work/Community/Teacher ReferencesStep 3: You Will Be Contacted About a SYW / School-Level Interview
Step 4: If Selected You Will Have a Business Interview |
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